Wednesday, March 20, 2013

#1 Career

1.  The four (4) essential steps toward a successful career planning:
*      Self      it is the time of knowing or assessing oneself towards of interest, abilities, skill, etc.
*      Option       choosing the occupation in which you are interested
*      Match         identifying possible occupation by considering both the short and long term option
*      Action         doing something to reach your target or goal by means of additional training and education if it is needed, developing job search strategy, writing a resumé and preparing for job interviews, etc.
.    2.   Career planning is a significant endeavor because it helps to make the many adjustments that there will be along the way as learn about and the world of teaching, since teaching is a lifetime profession and vocation.    3.   Name: Florante P. Ibarra Ed,D
      School: Central Luzon State University - College of Education
      Position: Associate Professor
      Length of Service: more or less 15 years
ü  Sir Ibarra said that he did not expect that teaching will become his career. But somehow, he realized that the music in our country was a little bit weak or lost by time that’s why his mind was turning back that every student has talent that must be developed as well as molding character and only what we call “endangered species” can do — a music educator. And since music is discipline, he found out that teaching music was really challenging.
ü  According to him, his “adjustment period” was really hard which the 1-5 year on his teaching career so that he needed to took up his masters degree and doctors degree, attended lots of seminars, lots of trainings, and the like. And as you “love your work (passion)…” it gives you lots of happiness to enjoy and continue what you are doing.

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